It is very important to test web page and web page loading time because the websites page views and visitor conversion rates depends on page load speed. Slow loading websites and pages may get neglected easily even if they provide great content and information.
We have already discussed Top Tips to Speed Up website and Top 10 tips : Speed Up Blog , Blog Speed Test and Load Time . There are many changes that can be done to improve the website load speed like the JavaScript and CSS Minify process , optimizing images , .htaccess caching , Compress CSS/JavaScript using GZIP/DEFLATE compression etc. Improving website and web page loading speed will increase conversion rates and will decrease the bounce rates.
There are many tools to check the website and web page performance. We have discussed many such tools in the following posts
Analyze Website or Page Performance Using Yslow and Google Page Speed
How to Test your Website Speed Against Benchmarks?
Website Performance Test From Different Geographical Locations
The Google Page speed was initially available as browser extension. It is indeed a very useful tool to analyze the web pages and gives valuable optimization tips. Now Google Page Speed is available online. Google launched the web-based tool in Google LabsĀ Page Speed Online , which analyzes the performance of web pages and gives specific suggestions for making them faster. The web based tool provides desktop browser suggestions and mobile browser page speed suggestions.
The tool categorize the improvement suggestions into High Priority, Medium priority and Low priority suggestions. See the Page Speed Online test results for
Page Speed Online is powered by the Page Speed SDK that powers the Chrome and Firefox browser extensions. The tool also allows you to easily analyze and optimize your site for mobile performance.
Try Google Labs Page Speed Online
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