Google used to provide reports like Last Account Activity and that was really helpful to identify last activity on Gmail account and any concurrent activity.
Google Account Activity Reports is a new service from Google and provides monthly reports on your usage of Google products. This is a unique service and helps you to analyze your product usage history and also helps you in monitoring security related issues. Google account activity reports provide report on products such as Gmail, Latitude, Picasa Web Albums, Web History and YouTube.
For example using Gmail activity section in the reports, you can see how many emails you’ve sent most contacted email addresses and email received etc.
How Do You Monitor Security Issues using Google Account Activity Reports?
The account activity reports include the Account sign-ins reports. The report shows the location such as from which countries you have logged in, browser and the computer platform used to access your account. The report also shows the service provider using which you have accessed the account. If you think that you account has been compromised then you can take immediate measures to secure your account by changing passwords and or by using 2-step verification process.This report definitely helps you in monitoring your account and detects suspicions activities.
Google Web History and Google Account Activity Reports
Google Web History saves information about your activity on Google products such as searches, Google Maps usage and Latitude. Google Account Activity Reports shows your web history as well. If you have opted out of Web History items that you’ve deleted might show up in your Account Activity Report if the information was saved by Account Activity prior to deletion.
If you want to remove the report you can use the delete option.
Sign up for Account Activity Reports
You can opt-in for the account activity report by visiting Account Activity page. This is also accessible from products tab on your Google account settings page.
The Google account activity reports along with last account activity report provides an insight into the account access details and helps you to monitor any security issues.
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