Analyze Website or Page Performance Using Yslow and Google Page Speed

How to Test and Analyze your web page or web site using Yahoo YSlow and Google Page Speed together in a single click?
Before finding out the tool to do this let us first see what is Yslow and Page Speed and how these can help to analyse your pages and make it more optimized.
Google Page Speed and Yahoo! YSlow are among the best tools to analyze the web page or website performance.These tools are Add-Ons to Firefox and even Internet explorer has add-ons like available. Google Page Speed and YSlow requires FireBug to be installed and both YSlow and Google Page Speed runs independently.
YSlow analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based on a set of rules for high performance web YSlow also provides guidelines and suggestions for improving your pages performance, summarizes the page’s components, displays statistics about the page, and provides tools for performance analysis, including™ and JSLint. Read the related articles at below links.

The Google Page Speed Firefox add-on can be used to evaluate the performance of your pages and get suggestions on how to improve them. Google Page Speed web page test tool prepares its results based on the state of the page at the time you run the Page Speed. You should wait until the page finishes loading before running Page Speed to make sure that you get the most accurate results.

To debug, profile and analyze JavaScript you can use Venkman – JavaScript debugger.

GTmetrix is a nice tool that uses Google Page Speed and Yahoo! YSlow to analyze your site’s performance and provides actionable recommendations to fix these issues. Using GTmetrix you can schedule and monitor your page or site performance.A maximum of 10 URLs can be configured and scheduled to monitor.You can save any number or performance reports and you can make each report private or public.
See the sample Report generated below by GTmetrix.GMatrix site performace analyzer

Start using GTmetrix.

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