Top 10 Rules of Blogging to Get More Organic and Referral Traffic

How to maximize the conversion simply by following the most effective rules of blogging? The process of blog promotion should not be done at the expense of blog rules. Just starting a blog and applying promotional tactics may not yield consistent results. It is not very uncommon that businesses starts blogs to promote their products but fails to generate any extra benefits and business leads simply because they fail in implementing the rules of blogging.
In this article let us discuss how we can improve the blog conversion rate through more search and referral traffic by implementing the most effective and proven rules of blogging. Here we discuss the top ten such rules. These rule not only focuses on content but also the frequency of blogging and even the structure of html tag values.Search-Globinch

Top 10 Rules of Blogging for more traffic and more leads

Effective use of Social media

We have already discusses the importance of social media in many articles published before. This is one of the powerful medium to promote your content and to generate more referral traffic. Get more people to tweet your content by making it more remarkable.
How to make your content more remarkable? There are is not simply tricks to achieve this. Your content should offer something unique to the readers and customer. This will automatically result in more shares and more likes.
Add social sharing buttons to your blog and to each of your blog posts. This will help your readers to easily share the content to their network without leaving your blog.

How Many Authoritative Pages are Linking to You?

None? That’s not good. Getting backlinks from authoritative pages will help your blog in many ways. Humans and search engines will give more wightage to those backlinks and your blog reputation will increase. These authoritative backlinks are harder to come by. But try getting more of them, it is very important and will have tremendous impact.

How Many Other Sites are Linking to You?

This is another great way of measuring your contents popularity. Each backlinks is like a vote. The more sites that link to you, the better you will rank. The most effective way of getting good quality backlinks is by publishing quality content. No other easy tricks will give you better results.

Do you have a mobile version of your blog?

If not, create one for your blog. More and more people are accessing internet from their smart phones. Experts say that more than 80% of smartphone users access the internet on their mobile devices. To make your mobile friendly blog focus should be given for smaller screen sizes and slower bandwidths. Please also remember to use “meta viewport” tag and that will tell the mobile device how to orient a page when it is loaded.

Use Unique and short Blog Titles and Unique Descriptions

Keep your post titles simple, short and unique. Keep the length of the title under 75 characters. This will maximize your SEO benefits and SERP exposure. Let the title reflect your content. Effective use of keywords as part of title is recommended but use with care.
Each blog post should have description Meta tag with unique description. This description usually appears in search result page and gives an insight to the users and spiders about the summary of the page.

Frequency of new blog posts

How frequent are you publishing blog posts? The search engine spider programs love not just content, they love fresh and unique content. The more you write the more exposure you get. If you can publish at least one blog post every day, then it is great. If that is not possible, try to ensure you publish new blog posts every 2 days on average.

Use RSS feed effectively

Yes. You may have an RSS feed. But is it really easy to find it? It should be easily visible not only for humans but also for computer programs like spiders. Let people subscribe your feeds and let programs access your feeds periodically. Use HTML <link> tags to mention the RSS files for machine programs and give options for your readers to subscribe them.

Ensure your site pages get indexed by search engines

How do you do that? You can submit your sites and blogs to search engines. First of all create one sitemap XML for your blog. Then use services like Google Webmaster Central and Bing Webmaster tools to submit xml sitemap to them. Sitemap is the key for search engines to find new contents published on your site and get them indexed.

Twitter Account. Facebook page, Google+ business page for your Blog

To make social branding efforts lot more easier on social media you must create a Twitter account for your blog. Similarly you should have a Facebook page and Google+ business page created for your blog. Promote them and get more followers and likes. These pages will open a new world of blog promotion, customer interaction and there by more traffic. Link all your social media accounts on your homepage.

Use ALT tag attribute for images

Your image may be great and may communicate many different ideas. But search engines rarely read image content. They mostly read only the ALT tag value to “judge” the image. So never miss an alt attribute value for the images used on your blog posts.

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2 thoughts on “Top 10 Rules of Blogging to Get More Organic and Referral Traffic

  1. Gr8 post…!after google's panda update it has become very important to get organic traffic..and the best way to get that is to write fresh, unique, in depth and truly useful content. theres no shortcut to that..

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