Facebook gives you a profile URL that includes your Facebook profile name as part of the URL. For example https://www.facebook.com/yourname where “yourname” can be your Facebook user name. But most of us do not have such a vanity url for our Google Plus profile. Usually the Google Profile URL contains a long string of number as part of the hyperlink. But it would be great if I get unique profile URL something similar to https://plus.google.com/yourname . You can see many top blog authors and technology columnists have these type of Google Plus profile URLs. But for majority of Google users the profile URL doesn’t contain the username as part of he URL.
Even though not from Google gplus.to provides a way to overcome this drawback. It allows you to create a URL somewhat identical to Google Profile URL. It is a kind of URL shortner service. The service helps you to create a vanity URL for your Google Plus profile.
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Create a short Google+ profile URL using gplus.to service
gplus.to allows you to select a username that will be appended to the short url. For example you can use your Gmail profile name as the user name. Th have 3 to 25 characters and without special characters. username can Second step is to provide your profile id which is part of your Google Profile URL. See the picture below.
Once these two values are provided you can generate the unique short URL for your Google Profile. You will get a URL similar to http://gplus.to/yourusername
gplus.to is a useful service that helps you to create a short URL for your Google profile. The service will redirect the short URL to the original profile URL. This can be useful unless Google starts offering username based Google Profile URL. The service also provides an option to update nick name. For this you need to authenticate gplus.to to access your Google account information.
Try gplus.to Google+ profile URL shortening service.
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