Conversion Rate Optimization Tips To Improve Website Conversion Rate

Before jumping into website conversion rate optimization tips or web conversion optimization strategies, let us understand what exactly meant by conversion rate in internet marketing.
In simple words the conversion rate is the rate of target achievements from a specific number of website visits. The target goal varies based on the type of service you are offering online. If you are an author of a simple blog that provides useful information to its readers, then conversion rate may be the number of people who subscribed for email news letters from a specific number of website visitors. But if you are offering a product or service online then the conversion rate depends on the sale of number of products to consumers.
The conversion rate can be calculated based on a formula similar to the one given below.

CR = ---
Where CR  - Conversion Rate
      NTA - Number of Target Achievements
      NV  - Number of Visits

How To Track Conversion Rates?

Conversion rates can be easily calculated using one of the web analytic tool available. Google Analytics is the best example. Google Analytics provides enterprise class services free of cost.
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The conversion rate can be retrieved using reports similar to “look to book ratio” , if it is an e-commerce site or the “visitor subscriber ration” if it is a common content blog. If you are using internet marketing strategies like advertisements, then the conversion rate can be calculated based on the count of unique visits via a particular channel(in this example by clicking a banner advertisement) and the number of people opted for the service/product offered by the website. The product/service can be anything like newsletter subscription, software download or product purchase etc.Search-Globinch

Conversion Optimization Tips To Improve Conversion Rate

There are many methods that can help you to optimize conversion and thus to improve the conversion rate. These conversion optimization techniques are of general tips that can be used for any type of websites. But the implementation of all these tips may vary based on the type of website and online service you are offering.

Presentation Techniques

How are you presenting your service or products? Are you using the best combination of colours and fonts to describe your product or to present the content? Are you using better content(Text) and multimedia (Pictures/Video/Audio) to impress the visitors? Is the layout of the site is clear or crowded?
If the answers to all the above question is “Yes” then your work is half done. The positive first impression may improve the conversion rate.
Another important thing to implement in the presentation is the site navigation structure. Every pages of your site should be accessible from at least one link. Presenting an HTML sitemap is a great idea.

Do you have a well defined goal?

Depending on the type of website your goal may vary. As I said before, a content rich blog’s target goal may be increase the news-letter subscription there by get more page views. But in the case of an e-commerce site that sells products has a different goal. So defining the distinct goal and focusing to achieve that definitely will have an impact on conversion rate.

Promotion Techniques

A well defined and clear target goal and various kind of marketing techniques like advertisements, reviews or social media marketing all helps in improving the conversion rates. Try to generate user reviews about the products and services that you are setting online. Asking for sponsored reviews also can be a better marketing technique. More networked publicity is similar to the organic link building exercise in SEO.

Improve Usability and Make it customer friendly

As we discussed in the post Website Usability and Quality Attributes -10 Point Checklist, the website usability is a very important point to consider. The usability attributes like Accessibility, Readability, Performance and the Content Quality etc. should not be ignored. Important factors like speed, situational usage, dead links or broken links, browser compatibility etc.. needs to be addressed.

Credibility and Safety

The credibility of the site increases with more customer friendly and secure mode of interactions. Site should be malware free and should be PCI DSS compliance if there are any sensitive information collected from the user. Display genuine credibility signs like site protection badges, third-party trust logos or the security verified signature etc.

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