How to change Google Adsense account Payee Name? This is a common question you can find in adsense help forums and groups. for example if you have started using adsense before the age of 18 and you may have provided your parent’s or guardian’s name as the Payee name. Now you have reached 18 and you want to change the Payee name to your name. (Read: Google Adsense – Must Read Tips )
If you are one among them who needs to change the Account Payee name then Google provides a solution for youw. Adsense Terms and Conditions don’t permit transfers of account ownership. As Google Adsense Help says “Though our Terms and Conditions don’t permit transfers of account ownership, we do allow you to update your payee name to fix misspellings or to make adjustments for changes such as marriage, death or company mergers.“. That means you can change the Payee name to certain extend.
But this feature of updating the payee name is limited to certain countries. For many countries you won’t have the option to update your payee name within your account. If you are from a country where you don’t have the option to update the payee name but you want to change the payee name then you have the option to close your current account and apply for a new account with a new payee name. One important thing to remember here is that your AdSense code will not be the same as your old AdSense code. This means that you need to replace the existing adsense code with the new AdSense code.
Read: 7 Top Must-Know Tips to Avoid Google Adsense Account Termination
Read more information on how to change Change Google Adsense Payee Name @ Adsense Help
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