Quickly Verify Email Address Validity Online

At times you may need to verify the validity of an email address. You want to check whether the email address is really genuine and in use or not. You can verify it by sending an email to that address. But your mail server (ex. Gmail) will take extra time to show you the mail bounce response in case of an invalid email address.
What if you want to check the email address validity without sending a mail? There are many free online services are available t check the validity of the email.

How to Verify Email address Validity

The email validity check depends on many things. First of all the email server name which is part of the email address should exist. For example if your address is “testmail123@gmail.com” then “gmail.com” is the mail server or the domain server. If the domain or the server itself doesn’t exist then you will get “Domain does not exist or DNS error”  or similar error message from SMTP server.
Second check is the validity of the email address. Here your SMTP server will establish a connection with the destination mail server. Then the destination server will respond with a proper mail delivery status. If the email address doesn’t exist then the mail server will return an error, something similar to “Invalid email address or mail account doesn’t exists“.

Free Online Service to verify Emails

Even though you can use any of your mail account to verify the validity of an email address, the response may not be fast. Some times the invalid email bounce message will take considerable time to reach your mail box. In these scenario you can utilize the following services to verify the email address validity.
Please remember that the results may not be 100% accurate all the time. Do not completely depend on the results of the verification. (Please use these service results at Your Own Risk –UAYOR)

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