Use Drag & Firefox Add-on to store and share on-line anything privately.
How about just drag and drop file to an add-on icon in Firefox to store and share on-line? The Drag & Firefox Add-on from is doing just that!
Read:Most useful Mozilla Firefox shortcuts
Storing huge files on-line is always a problem.Uploading using mail clients to a limited storage space is not always easy and encouraging.Drag & Firefox Add-on is a solution for this problem.Just drag and drop files to an icon and that’s it,it will do the rest.
100MB free space available and you can purchase extra if you want.Use to create drops and privately share your files by web, email, phone, fax, and more.Drops are protected from search engines and you can share it privately with confidence.Drops just exist online as private points for exchange between individuals or groups.
You can even ‘Dropcast‘ a drop to iTune! How to do it?
- Install the ‘Drag &’ Firefox Add-on (Drag & 2.0.1) from This will create an icon in the bottom right corner (status bar) of the browser.
- Now create a account in
- Drag and drop file into the icon as below.
- The animated icon shows the drop upload process.Go to your account and check the file. Here you can share your file or do what ever you want to do with your drops.
- You can make the account password protected.
Drag & is a very useful tool because of the easiness of uploading and sharing the files.
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