7 most useful Google Search features and Tricks.

Even though there are plenty of Google search features , the following seems to be the most useful features.Many of the Google users use Google search</a> only for searching particular term,but Google has a lot of other built in features.
Calculator,Currency Converter,Weather report,Time,Site search,Dictionary Definitions,Spell Checker
Let us see those in detail.

1. Google‘s built-in Calculator and use Google search as calculator

Google Search has many useful feature to improve the Search Experience.Most of the Google users either not aware of many such features or do not use them.
Here let us see how can we use Google search Google search tips: Calculator | Google‘s built-in Calculator and use Google search as calculator
Google‘s built-in Calculator and how to use Google search as calculator.

To do this simply enter the calculation you’d like to do into the Google search box.
See the simple calculation here. To calculate 2^3 +3^3 we can use Google search as Calculator. See below.
Google search calculatorSee the more complex calculations below.
Google search calculator

2. Use Google Search as Currency Converter

Google search can be used for Currency conversion.This is one among the many built in features of Google search.
Google‘s built in Currency Converter feature can be used in Google search. In order to use the built-in currency converter, simply enter the conversion you want to do into the Google search box.Google will do the conversion.
The format of the conversion string should be like “1 USD IN GBP”.
Before using the displayed rates just see the see disclaimer link.
See the sample conversion screen shot.

Google search currency converter3. Weather report of cities around the world.

To check the weather for many U.S. and worldwide cities, type “weather” followed by the city and state.
The format is like “weather manchester”.
See the screenshot below.

Google weather report4. Time in many cities around the world

This is another wonderful feature of Google Search.To see the time in many cities around the world, type in “time” and the name of the city.
See the image below.

google city time search5. Limit Gogle Search to a particular site.

If you want to search only one particular site you can do it by adding “site:” followed by the site name after the search term.
For example you want to search for windows OS tips Globinch posts ,then you can try this search as windows tips site:globinch.com

6. Dictionary Definitions

Are you searching for definition of a word or a phrase,you can use Google Search to do that.Simply type the word “define” then a space, then the word(s) you want defined.
To see a list of different definitions from different sources just type as “define:your term”.For example “define:baby”
For single definition just type “define baby” without a colon.

7. Spell Checker

When you type a word or sentence Google’s spell checking software automatically checks your query whther it uses the most common spelling of a given word.
For example if you type “markr” instead of “marker”,the Google will ask “Did you mean: explosion”.

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