Pinterest offers you a unique way to “pin your interest” to your online boards. The public boards are visible to everyone. Pinterest is a pinboard style social photo sharing or bookmarking service. A “Pin” can be a picture, a video, a discussion or any other resource. Pinterest can be accessed by adding the “pin it” button bookmark. Webmasters and blog authors can add “pin it” buttons to personal website or blog pages so that your customers and readers can easily pin them to their pinboards.
Certain statistics suggests that Pinterest is becoming a significant source of traffic for retailers. Many best pinboards in Pinterest are good collection of photos and images. Even websites and blogs are getting huge number of referral traffic from Pinterest.
Top 10 Tips to Get Traffic from Pinterest to Blog and Website
Add a “Pin” button to your website or blog
This is just like the Facebook like button or retweet button. Pinterest “pin” buttons give your customers or readers a quick way to pin your products or posts to their boards. If you are using WordPress then there are plugins available to ad this button. Other approach is by following the below article.
How Build a community on Pinterest
Create your account on Pinterest. Follow people whom you find really interesting. Add quality comments on other pins. To mention a pin to a Pinterest user, you first need to be following at least one board belonging to him/her. Then, type the @ symbol immediately followed by his/her username. You may get more followers gradually. Introduce your website or blog to your followers in Pinterest.
Create boards for specific topic
This is really important. Rather than choosing a broad topic selects a specific topic. The more specific the topic, the more targeted the pinboard. Try to add more quality pins to your board. Never fill your board with useless links and resources.
Add High quality Images and Posts to your Blog
This will encourage your readers to pin them to their boards. The “pins” and “repins” will be translated to referral traffic. Quality images are important because Pinterest is an image bookmarking and sharing service. Try including images to your page or posts even if it is content rich.
Add “Follow Me on Pinterest” button to your blog
Your Pinterest boards are like your Facebook business page or Google+ page. The more people follow you the more popular your boards become. This will definitely translated into traffic. To add a Pinterest follow button to your website, go to Pinterest Goodies page and grab the code.
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Now a day most of them using pinteret to generate the traffic and its playing vital role. Thanks for sharing with the valuable points.