How to Find Image Source and Altered Copies of Images?

How do you find a particular image source? How to find out if there is any modified versions of particular image exists in internet? TinEye might help you to find an answer for all these problems. TinEye is a reverse image search engine. It finds out where an image came from or how it is being used. It also let you know if any modified versions of the image exist, or if there is a higher resolution version.
You can make use of TinEye to check whether your copyrighted Images are being used by someone or in some other web pages. Since it also searches for altered images, you can find out the modified versions of your copyrighted images.

If the website which uses your copyrighted image has restricted TinEye from crawling their site using robots.txt, then you may not be able to find them. Also if your images are used in Flash objects then this tool may not be able to find it as it doesn’t support flash content search.

You can submit an image to TinEye to know the details of the image such as its source, usage and modified versions. TinEye uses image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. TinEye creates a unique and compact digital signature for images and then compares this fingerprint to every other image in its index to retrieve matches. TinEye accepts JPEG, PNG and GIF images for comparison with a maximum size of 20 MB.TinEye Find source and versions of image
Watermarked images may not yield better search results because TinEye may search for the watermark and not the image itself. If you are a registered user, then TinEye can save your search images if history is enabled in user Profile. Saved searches are available from the History page, and permanent URL links to any saved search can be bookmarked or shared with friends.

Browser plugins to find similar images

There are plugins available for browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and IE. Once installed it is simple to use. Just right-click on any web image and select “Search image on TinEye” from the context menu. Results are displayed for you at Firefox plugin to find similar images

TinEye API to Search and Find Images

Using the API, you can integrate the TinEye search engine with your own website or backend to perform searches and retrieve results from TinEye’s growing database of web images. This is a REST API delivered over HTTP in JSON format.

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