How do you permanently delete data or permanently erase files from your hard disk? Some times you need to delete file permanently due to some confidential nature of the file.
If you delete your files using the “Delete” key or the “SHIFT+DELETE” combination, the file will be deleted from the file system directory. If you want to permanently erase files( which are confidential) from your hard disk then mere deletion is not enough. These deleted files are often recoverable by file recovery programs. This is known as Data remanence. Data remanence is the data that remains even after attempts have been made to delete or erase the data.
When you delete a file operating systems do not actually remove the contents of a file but to make it a faster operation the Operating System will simply remove the file’s entry from the file system directory. The contents of the file remain on the storage medium until the operating system reuses the space for new data. Experts says that even when the disk is overwritten the previous data, the physical properties of the disk may make it possible to recover the previous contents.
DeleteOnClick freeware from 2BrightSparks is a simple to use secure file deletion utility that is implemented as a new context menu in Windows Explorer. After installation when you right-click on a file or folder ,the context menu will have a new “Securely Delete” item to securely delete it. Securely deleted files cannot be undeleted. As claimed in the website the software follows the U.S. DOD 5220.22-M secure file deletion standard.
The software available as freeware and shareware. The registered version of DeleteOnClick can also securely wipe free disk space and the Windows recycle bin.
The registered commercial version renames files before they are deleted so that anyone trying to undelete cannot even see what the file was called.
The tool can delete files on any physical drive visible by Windows.
To read more about DeleteOnClick and to download (UAYOR :Use At Your Own Risk 🙂 ) it go here.
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Another good software to delete files permanently with ease is “File Shredder”.Advantage is it’s right click context menu which makes it very convenient.
Delet files permanently with file shredder
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