Average Bounce Rate, Good Bounce Rate and Acceptable Bounce Rate

Bounce RateBounce Rate is an important metric for websites and it shows how many visitors interested in your blog article and find your blog interesting. In this discussion we will try to find out what is Average Bounce Rate, Good Bounce Rate and Acceptable Bounce Rate. Bounce Rate in fact gives you an idea of the quality of traffic coming to your website.
Read more about bounce rate in the below articles

  1. Bounce Rate Explained
  2. Bounce Rate : How To Decrease high Bounce Rate.
  3. Bounce Rates – Google Analytics Metrics

What is Acceptable Bounce Rate, Average Bounce Rate and Good Bounce Rate ?

Ideally High Bounce Rate indicates that either your blog or website content is irrelevant and is not what the visitor is looking for.

A bounce rate more than 60% means that out of 10 people who arrived your blog through different channels 6 people left the site without checking any other page or articles in your site.

Bounce rate analysis and dependency on business model

If you have a blog you will have many articles or posts. Most of your posts should create interest in readers so that they will either read multiple articles on your blog or will search and find relevant contents what they are looking for. In this scenario if your sites bounce rate is high then it is not acceptable at all. Web analytics experts says that anything below 30% is good for these type of blogs.  If bounce rate is below 50% is acceptable but if it is more than 50% is not good and you need to do some improvements on your content or layout.

But the interesting and important factor to note here is the business model of the website. It is not always true to say that a bounce rate of 70% and above is not acceptable bounce rate. If the website provides a service which has only one web page, then even 100% bounce rate is acceptable. For example sites which shows real time stock statistics in a single web page or a currency converter service which has only one page to display. For these sites even 100% bounce rate is acceptable.

Conclusion : What is acceptable and good bounce rate?

Even though it is not standard we can summarize that if you provide a content rich blog or site then 30% is a good bounce rate and a nominal variation is acceptable.But anything above 60% needs attention and the site or content needs to be reviewed.
On the other hand for the sites which provides services like single page currency converter then even 100% bounce rate is acceptable.

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5 thoughts on “Average Bounce Rate, Good Bounce Rate and Acceptable Bounce Rate

  1. Not all bounce rates are the same. I have a high bounce rate because I have a lot of images in Google. When people do a search on google for images google will display the image in front of the page and that counts as a hit. Then the user leaves the image and you get a bounce so the bounce rate could be higher and if the keywords are the same for web/image then you can't decipher between the two.

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