Google Analytics provides excellent analysis on Bounce Rate. We discussed average bounce rate , high bounce rate etc in our previous posts Bounce Rate Explained and How To Decrease high Bounce Rate.
Now let us see how we can utilize Google Analytics to measure the Bounce Rate of your website or blog. If you do not have a Google Analytics account you can easily create an account at Google Analaytics .Google Analytics allows you to see and analyze your traffic data in variety of ways.
Once you have created your Google Analytics account and added your site to a profile and authorized it, you need to wait for Google to fetch your data. Over a period of time Google will start analyzing your website traffic parameters.
Bounce Rate is an important parameter in Google Analytic traffic analysis.As we discussed If you have high bounce rate on the index page this means that people are not finding what they need on it and leave the site alltogether.
Google Analytics will provide all these information
Google Analytics provides Bounce Rate in the Dashboard under the “Visitor Trending” section. See the Bounce Rate of one of the Globinch blog. The average bounce rate is below 30% .
To know more details about the Bounce rate you need to check the other reports also.
- Page views Report
- Average Page-views for all visitors.
- Time on Site for all visitors
- Visitor loyalty reports.
- See the average page views report.
Another most important report you need to consider is the “Top Content” report which is under the “Content” Tab. In this report you can find out the the top landing pages and bounce rate. if the bounce rate from tp landing page is less then you have a great site with great content. Visitors are really interested in reading your blog. Well done.
See the Top content report of the same Globinch blog mentioned above.
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