protractor AngularJs test

A Sorted List Of Perfect AngularJS Web Development Tools

Today, developers majorly choose AngularJS to enhance the dynamic outlook of a web-based application as it is considered as one of the best open source web app frameworks. Using AngularJS framework for web development is favorable to render liveliness to your web application along with advanced HTML markup.

AngularJS is a free framework that supports advanced web development without deteriorating readability of the app’s content.

AngularJS is popularly used framework for web development and developers prefer using it for quick & effortless JavaScript coding which is actually a time-consuming process. jQuery depicts the overall structure taken over by JavaScript and it is also meant for better web or app development. Furthermore, you can receive AngularJS results when few of its properties are integrated with HTML codes.

So, if you are excited to work with AngularJS, here is a list of handpicked tools that you must use to create a web using AngularJS, just check them out below:


Being an improved version of Eclipse, Aptana is a freemium open source IDE based on JavaScript, HTML, CSS, & other web programming languages. You can easily install the AngularJS Eclipse extension through the Eclipse Marketplace to use Aptana for Angular support. So, go and build websites quickly & easily.Aptana GUI dev tool


You might have a tough time while working with $resource & $http, right? You must use Restangular that can rest down your efforts. Using Restangular from AngularJS service can reduce your hassle to get, post, update, & delete resources. Features of Restangular are:

  • HTTP method support
  • Self-linking component
  • Minimum client code & more

Angular Batarang

Besides Restangular, Angular Batarang is another version for AngularJS tool. Batarang, a chrome extension is also used for debugging Angular based web apps that display the performance, model, & dependency of your web app’s debugging results.

Followed by proper inspections, Batarang will show all debugging results in three tabs. Either you want to view the advanced results or not, it is up to you as you can manage Batarang’s functionality for app’s inspection and the showcase of apps, scopes, & bindings.


It gathers multiple UI elements made with AngularJS. You can easily & quickly create Angular web apps using AngularUI’s utility directives. Additionally, AngularJS does not require widgets as it utilizes raw directives such as ui-map, ui-calendar, ui-router, and more.


Protractor is the most used end to end Angular testing tool for web development. Angular team developed Protactor with the combination of various advanced technologies including webDriver, Cucumber, Jasmine, Mocha, & more.

protractor AngularJs test


Karma can be considered as the most powerful testing tool for JavaScript framework. Web developers find an ease using karma to carry out various types of web app testing including unit testing, E2E testing, & midway testing.

Karma performs by opening files that you have listed in the configuration file. After this, it uses active browser through to run the test in a effortless manner.

Angular Gettext

Angular Gettext is an excellent Angular module for simple localization. Easier translation to your webpage is a prime feature of Angular Gettext as this process is much easier than integrating attribute.

So, you need to concentrate on your development task and leave the process of translations to Angular Gettext.


Jasmine is another testing framework but unlike Karma, it doesn’t utilize browsers, JavaScript framework, or any DOM to run & display results. Basically, Jasmine is considered useful for behavior-driven development but web app developers preferably use it for test-driven development alongside slight customization.

Jasmine also favors automatic inspection to various JavaScript classes & inform you every error or unhandled code. However, karma framework dominates over Jasmine as it fails to recognize browser through which the testing has been done.


ng-inspector is AngularJS extension that is compatible with Chrome & Safari. You can easily develop, customize, & make your AngularJS -based web apps bug free.

It ideally showcases side panel display while other AngularJS frameworks like Batarang that displays DevTools horizontally.


AngularFire is a powerful framework that compiles a set of libraries supported by AngularJS binding Firebase. It is considered as an excellent framework for building web & mobile applications without complications.

Wrapping it up!

So, these are the latest AngularJS tools for testing, front-end development, modules, extensions, & Grid tools that every web developer must know. The majority of AngularJS developers utilize them to make the development process easier & smoother.



Jacob Colleen is a professional web developer at Webby Central, a California renowned web development company. Having years of expertise in website & app development, he utilizes AngularJS frameworks proficiently for effortless development. Therefore, he writes interesting blogs to share his knowledge & techniques that he utilizes for his projects.

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