As we discussed in one of our previous article, branding a blog or website will help you to make sure that blog or website will stand out of the crowd and attract visitors. So if you are planning to start a blog and want to promote the blog efficiently you need to do be serious and should be ready to invest time.
So how to promote and brand your blog in an effective way? What are the preliminary steps needs to be taken to achieve this? Let us discuss some pointers that can help you to brand your blog or website successfully.
Choose the Right Niche for your Blog
Yes. This is very important.There are hundreds of blogs and websites on virtually every single niche on the web. So the competition is fierce. Select your niche (Blog topic) and find out the most popular blogs and sites that deals with the same topic. The most important thing is that you need to be different from those blogs in all aspects. Your content should be fresh,that should not be a mirror image of those popular blogs. Select the niche such that you have deep knowledge in that subject. This will help you to provide something new to the readers every time so that they will check your blog frequently for new contents.
Do a research on the search volume of the Blog Niche you have chosen and the number of competitor blogs or websites. Remember that more competition means you have to work more to make your blog popular!
Choose the right blog platform and Theme
There are many blogging platforms available.(Read Best Blogging Platforms – Free Blogging Software and Features ) WordPress, blogger, Typepad etc. Choose the right one that will provides you flexibility. Personally I am a big fan of wordpress. It provides many feature and easy setup. There are thousands of plugins available for wordpress for almost all purposes starting from SEO to Speed up the website. Design your blog that suites your niche. Your blogs appearance is the primary thing that gets noticed among readers. Choose the right theme and right design. Read Website and Web Page Design Tips – Guidelines and Resources
Design your logo perfect.
Most famous blogs and websites are identified by their logos. So design log of your blog in such a way that that will represent your brand in future. You can even spend reasonable amount of money for that. Also give importance to the favicon image of your blog.
Write content with quality
If you write quality content which is beneficial to the readers they will follow you and will help you to make your blog popular. If the content is not good and even if you promote your blog to get instant traffic but that will not last for long.
Give importance to content. Use images and videos to support your content. Multimedia always makes your blog more attractive.But make sure that the multimedia contents are optimized for better performance.
Use your blog’s name in social media services
This is very important. Like we discussed Importance of Blog Promotion On Twitter register using your blogs name in major social media services like Friend Feed , Twitter, Facebook etc.. For example use like etc. You can create facebook page with the blog’s name.
Publicize your blog
Try all good options to make your site popular. Avoid all marketing tricks like link exchange,link spamming etc. Search engines will penalize you for this. Read 5 Important steps to avoid Search Engine Blacklisting.
Submit your blog to all major search engines and directory services.Use social media networks, comment on other blogs with relevant content, use your blog information in your e-mail signature , provide RSS and newsletter subscription option etc. will help you to achieve popularity. Read 9 methods to improve your link popularity and increase your page rank.
Create Sitemap (both XML and HTML) of your log. This is useful for both search engines and humans. Find more article on Sitemap here.
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Kollam Nannayirikkunnu