Phishing filter or anti phishing tools are necessary if you use internet regularly. Browsers such as Mozilla Firefox provide phishing protection through Firefox anti phishing add-ons or filters. There are many add-ons available for Mozilla Firefox to protect you from phishing attacks. These add-ons in fact provides a good phishing filter or anti phishing shield to the Firefox browser
Hackers or fraudsters send fake emails or set up fake web sites that mimic the original websites to steal sensitive user information such as account name or username and passwords. This is called phishing. Once they gain access they can do anything using your account. Fraudsters use many phishing techniques such as Phishing, Spear Phishing, Clone Phishing, Website forgery, Link manipulation etc.
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If your favourite browser is Firefox then it is better to install some of the good anti phishing filer add-ons. See below a list of such add-ons. Please remember that you should always have a good anti-virus program installed on your computer. Most anti-virus programs offers anti-phishing supports.
Best Firefox Anti Phishing and Phishing Filter Add-Ons
Protect-Access is a popular Firefox anti phishing add-on that offers you protection from Spam, Phishing, Malware, Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Key loggers and Rootkits. If the tool automatically alerts the user if it encounters any such threats.
Interclue is a hyperlink anlyser tool. Small icons appear when you mouse over links to warn you about dead links, Malware or Phishing Sites, etc, and for any valid link, Interclue provides a compact link preview along with optional extra information and next action buttons. Interclue also adds inline clues on search result pages from Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Bitdefender TrafficLight for Firefox
Bitdefender TrafficLight for Firefox extension will add a strong layer of security over your browsing experience. TrafficLight won’t block an entire website if just some pages within are malicious. TrafficLight scans the pages you visit for malware and phishing attempts each and every time you access them to avoid the threat of legitimate but recently compromised websites.
LinkExtend – Safety, KidSafe, Site Tools
LinkExtend – Safety, KidSafe, Site Tools Firefox add-on informs you if a web page is malicious, sends spam, contains spyware, identity theft, etc. It also alerts you about unsafe sites for kids and erases them automatically from your history.
Trust My Web
Trust My Web is a Firefox add-on that can help you to have a safe Internet browsing experience by checking the status in your Firefox statusbar.There are 3 criteria Trust My Web analyse to set the status of a website. They are adult / shocking content, phishing fraud, and malicious software eventual presence.
Netcraft Toolbar
Netcraft Toolbar blocks phishing sites helps you to stay away from online fraud. This is a toolbar and is available for Firefox 2.0 or later.
FB Phishing Protector
FB Phishing Protector is an anti phishing add-on that protect you from Phishing or Scams (through XSS injection attacks) while you’re on Facebook. This Facebook Phishing Protector will warn you when an unusual activity is detected, such as a script injection attempt or a website other than Facebook requesting your credentials.
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