Free your Mind: How to get Creative but Stay on Message in Video Marketing

Being creative isn’t always easy, if it was everyone would be doing it. The pressure of working to a deadline or with high value clients (with equally high expectations) can really make staying inspired difficult in the world of content marketing.
The human brain is a complex thing and on top of that we are all unique and what flairs up creative fire will be different for all of us. Having said that, there are some rules of thumb that apply to the vast majority of us in most situations.

Reduce the “Complexity Resolution”

Many people have a tendency to reuse mental processes that worked for them previously or try to use too many different sources of information or inspirations. A research team found that actually limiting yourself to tighter guidelines can help boost creativity.

Change your Perspective

This can be taken in the both the literal and the figurative sense. If the thing you are working on has a physical element then try actually looking at it upside down or with a colleague’s glasses on. Your change in perception may trigger a change in your creative mind set.
If your work in progress is electronic, maybe editing video or scripting, try creating a psychological distance by imagining your video is on another planet or at the end of a long tunnel. It may sound a bit strange but this study found it made complex tasks easier.

Work on your Power Mood

Creative thinking can happen in both negative and positive mind states. Only you will know what works best for you when working on your video marketing projects. Be mindful when your creativity is flowing and try to work out ways of recreating that state of mind for those times when you’re not feeling so inspired.

If all Else Fails… Forget About it

Take a break, do something else. Work on another totally different project or go and talk to a colleague about that meeting you had last week. Anything that will get you out of the “I can’t do this” mind set. However use this technique sparingly because you won’t always have the luxury of time on your side. Deadlines are deadlines.

You’re not Alone

Collaboration is something that is often overlooked as a tool for creativity. Content marketers the world over will tell you that keeping your marketing mix fresh and full of creativity is tough and their experience in this area is often overlooked. Talking to people who have experience in creative content marketing can be all it takes to spark a new idea or change of direction.
A quick search online will reveal no end of useful guides to firing up those creative brain cells. If it helps try printing one off and pinning it to your wall. Above anything, it will remind you that even the best get mental blocks from time to time.
Try to stay away from blaming yourself for not feeling creative and remember; in pretty much every case your inspiration will return with gusto!

About author
Jon Mowat is a former BBC Documentary Filmmaker and founder of Hurricane Media, a video production and marketing company based in England.
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