You spend considerable amounts of time and effort building your tweets and and the contacts and your Twitosphere reputation.If something goes wrong with your Twitter account, you will not be able to easily retrieve your tweets or friends and followers.Sometimes Twitter can lose followers and it does not keep your older tweets.
So it is very important to backup your twitter profile periodically. In the previous posts we have discussed about most useful Twitter applications and how to create easy twitter widget etc. Here we will see how we can backup twitter profile completely using free tools available.
Read Related:Backup Your Twitter Account Tweets Friends, followers Using Twitter API
Tools to Backup your Twitter account
Sign-up using Twitter which will let TweetBackup access your Twitter account.No Installation Required and will take daily backup of your twitter account.All your posts and a list with your friends are included in the backup.
Visit TweetBackup
Twitterbackup is a Java based desktop client that downloads all your tweets in XML format.It is very fast and convenient tool.It will backup your twiter data in seconds.This product is from Johann Burkard.After downloading, double-click the twitterbackup-3-0-2.jar file. If this doesn’t work, open a command prompt and type java -jar twitterbackup-3-0-2.jar.
MK Twitter is a simple tool that helps you to create backups for your Twitter.Just enter the user name of your twitter account and cick the Get twits button, within a few minutes it will backup your twitter account.
MKTwitter is an opensource project at Sourceforge.
Tweetake is another online service that can be used to backup the twitter tweets ,friends and followers.It allows you to back-up your followers, people you are following and Tweets with just one click.
Visit Tweetake
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