Importance of Blog Promotion On Twitter

In the past few years Twtter changed the way many of communicate and listen. Using Twitter as a micro blogging platform by millions of users across the glob transformed it as the most popular social networking tool. The 100+ (and growing rapidly) million users of Twitter converted the micro blogging platform into a very effective marketing tool.
Twitter is an important way to announce your brand’s digital presence today. Using Twitter Search you search for a keyword and Twitter Search will show you all the Twitter based activities around that keyword.twitter bird

How to brand and promote your blog using Twitter

Branding a blog or website will help you to make sure that blog or website will stand out of the crowd and attract visitors. Your blog niche and the way you express your thoughts around that niche on your blog is very important. Blog authors should have a clear idea about niche and should communicate that to the visitors effectively as well. The quality content on your blog will ensure the visitors that the information you present through your posts and articles worth their time.

Register Your Blog Name on Twitter

Register Your Blog’s Name on Twitter will help you to attract more visitors. The Twitter address like “” (eg. )  will give more exposure to your blog than using ““. Always tweet about your latest posts and include a link to your posts in the tweet.This is a smart business tip and can leverage additional traffic to your blog.

Tweets are like RSS feeds. Your blog’s followers will get tweets about your new posts.They dont have to check your RSS feed every time for your blog updates.

Prevent Impersonation and Cybersquatting

Registering your blog’s name as your twitter name not only promotes your blog but also that help you to prevent activities like website Impersonation (Domain Parking) and Cybersquatting.There are many accounts which are registered where someone saves the name with the intention of selling it at some point. This can happen if you own a popular blog or website that doesn’t have a twitter account with the brand (blog/website) name.
Many popular bloggers faced the above situation where someone already registered Twitter account that matches their domain name.

Generates Traffic from your Twitter brand

As mentioned earlier Twitter tweets about your posts acts like RSS feeds. Interested people will retweet your updates that will fetch additional traffic to your blog. If you don’t have a twitter account same as your website or blog name, register today and promote your blog as a brand.
Happy blogging!

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