WordPress page templates and WordPress custom pages are easy to setup. WordPress can be customized to a great extend. One of such flexibility is to use a custom page as a home page in WordPress (Must do tips secure wordpress blogs).
Usually WordPress home page displays the most recent posts. But many people want to have a static front page or flashy page as the front page instead of the default home page. These static home page gives a totally different look for your website or blog.
To do this you need to create a totally new page for wordpress. You can either create custom page template or you can use the existing default template to create a page using that template.
How to create a Custom page template and how to create a new page using custom page template are explained in the following posts.
- How to Create Custom WordPress Page Templates?
- How to Create WordPress Thumbnail Based Post Archives
How to Use Custom Page as Home Page in WordPress
Let us discuss how to use custom Page as Home Page in WordPress. To do this you need to create custom wordpress page template as mentioned in the above links. Once the page template is created you can create a “page‘ using the template. See the image below.
- Once you created the page and published it,go to the WordPress admin dashboard.
- Go to “Settings ยป Reading” in your admin panel.
- In the Reading settings select the “Front page displays” option as a static page. Select the newly ceate page from the dropdown box. Select your page to be the homepage. Now you have a Custom Home Page.See below
- Save the changes.
You can change the content on that web page at any time by editing the Page.
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