How To Reveal or Show Password Behind Asterisks in a web page? In almost all websites and web pages which uses log in/password authentication mechanism require user to input his user name and password. In almost all cases the password field or text box will not display what you actually typed. The password you typed will be hidden behind a string of asterisk characters.
If you allow browser to remember password, the next time when you open the log in page ,it will populate the password field with the password you typed earlier.
If you have actually forgotten your password how do you retrieve them? In other words is there any mechanism or tool that can be used to reveal the password behind asterisk string?
Use the Password Reveal bookmarklet
Here is a simple soultion to Reveal- Show Password Behind Asterisks. You can drag and drop this Password Reveal bookmarklet to your browser bookmarks or toolbar.
Next time when you login into some website which uses password field, just type the password and click the “Password Reveal” bookmarklet. This will show you the password existing in the password text field.
Let us check how Password Reveal works
Password Reveal is a JavaScript function. If you are familiar with JavaScript then you can easily understand the program or function. Each log in page or any web page which use enters data to submit to the server has an HTML FORM associated with it. The buttons or text fields or the check boxes etc are HTML components which can be included inside the tag. To enter passwords HTML has a special text field called Password field. What ever you type in the password field will show as asterisks. So if you know JavaScript you can easily traverse through the HTML components present inside the form and display the value of Password field and “alert” that message in a pop-up.
See the JavaScript function below
function revealPassword(){ var message,formss,j,form,i; message = ""; formss = document.forms; for(j=0; j<formss.length; ++j) { form = formss[j]; for (i=0; i<form.length; ++i) { if (form[i].type.toLowerCase() == "password") message += form[i].value + "n"; } if (message) alert("Here is the passwords in html forms on this page:n" + message); else alert("This page doesn't have any HTML password "); }} |
If you are not familiar with JavaScript don’t worry just drag and drop this
Password Revealer bookmarklet to your browser bookmarks or toolbar.
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Hi, Im unable to use the above links. Even tried various others available on the net.
Is it possible to decode a pwd when it is in dots form or Astrix ??
If so, please decode this for me ●●●●●●●●● OR *********
I am looking forward to your help please.