Get Yahoo Traffic data In Bing Webmaster Center Tools Reports

There are many great free services available to analyse your website traffic data, indxed page information, sitemap information, Search Engine Crawl statistics, malware detection etc. Google Webmaster Central , Bing Webmaster Center, Yahoo Site Explorer etc. are examples of such premier but free services.
If you want to see combined traffic reports from Bing and Yahoo Search Engines then Bing Webmaster Center provides a a number of such combined reports. Bing Webmaster Center now shows combined traffic reports from Bing and Yahoo Search Engines.
Bing Webmaster Center, like the Google Webmaster Central provides many powerful features including Traffic Summary insights, content index Summary, crawl summary etc.  All these  highly useful services are free of cost. Both of them provides options to submit XML sitemaps and options to remove URLs from indexing and to add URLs to search engines. Lot of other features are available on both these webmaster tools.Combined traffic data - Bing and Yahoo
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Bing Includes Yahoo Traffic data In Bing Webmaster Tools Reports

As we mentioned , the Bing Webmaster Center now includes Yahoo traffic data into Bing Webmaster Tools reports and are available in specific reports. Two such reports are Traffic summary report and Page Traffic reports. The Impressions and Clicks reports now includes data from both search engines. The Impressions and Clicks chart displays trend data for the past six months and gives an insight into impressions and click-through performance in the Bing and Yahoo search engine results pages (SERPs).
The reports which combines both Bing and Yahoo data will display Bing and Yahoo logos directly above the graphs shown on these pages as below.
Combined traffic data from Bing and YahooThe Combined traffic data from Bing and Yahoo may results in an increase in impressions and clicks.  As mentioned by the Bing Webmaster Tools, the changes will be as follows.

  1. Impressions – will go up based on combined data numbers across both search engines
  2. Clicks – will go up based on combined data numbers
  3. Click Through Rates (CTR) as appropriate for above.

One important point to note here is that the actual rankings will not be affected because of the combined traffic reports. Also the data will be in combined form. That means you will not be able to see different reports for each of the search engines. At this time the data will be just combined and is not selectable. According to Bing Webmaster Center “The data will also update in any market where Bing is powering Yahoo search.”.

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