Chrome Extensions to Cross Post Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Complete social integration is useful in many ways. You don’t have to keep all these service open to check the status or send updates. All the big Social media services, Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn provide APIs so that you can integrate these services. If you are software programmer you can create your own integration services to connect and use these services together.
Google Chrome browser has a lot of useful extensions created by many contributors. These extensions are really useful in many scenarios.
When it comes to social media or social network integration there are a number of Google chrome extensions that will help you to achieve this.
Let us check few of the most useful chrome extensions that offer social network integration and includes Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.Google-plus-facebook-twitter
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Chrome Extensions to integrate Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

Gooce+ | Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter

Gooce is compatible with Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Gooce offers social network integration and allows to operate on all of them at the same time including Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. You can read and post to Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and a Search engine on Google plus.
Try Gooce+

Extended Share for Google Plus

Extended Share for Google Plus supports a number of social services. Once clicked, this tool will bring up an internal bubble asking you where to share your post. You can share your update on many services like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter etc.
Try Extended Share for Google Plus


SGPlus put your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and RSS streams inside your Google Plus stream, complete with “Stream” links on the side and rich media. It also automatically posts to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn whenever you share something on Google Plus.
Try SGPlus

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