50 Top Social Bookmarking Sites List

Social Bookmarking sites, as the name suggests, allows people to organize and store bookmarks to online resources. These bookmarks will be accessible from any computer any where. There are hundreds of social bookmarking sites and services are available in internet. Many of these social bookmarking sites are DOFOLLOW sites. Social Bookmarking sites are mean to Bookmark sites you generally would like to share or feel are valuable. Even though you can include your own sites URL to the social bookmarking sites, abusing them by adding all the URLs hoping to get more traffic from these sites are not recommended. Eventually the the bookmarking sites themselves or the search engines will downgrade your online reputation.social-bookmarking sites list
You can choose some of the best social bookmarking sites to store and share your favorite online resources shortcuts or bookmarks. There are hundreds of them. . It wouldn’t be feasible to become a member of all of these but choosing a few better services would serve the purpose.

List of Top 50 Social Bookmarking sites

1. Digg
2. Delicious (formerly Del.icio.us)
3. StumbleUpon
4. Reddit
5. Squidoo
6. Furl
7. BlinkList
8. Blogmarks.net
9. Dropjack.com
10. Folkd.com
11. Knowledge Plaza
12. Simpy
13. Linkwad
14. Clipmarks.com
15. Mister Wong
16. Licorize
17. Friendfeed.com
18. Diigo
19. SiteBar
20. Connotea
21. BibSonomy
22. Windows Live Favorites
23. Yahoo MyWeb
24. Jumptags.com
25. Faves
26. HotBmarks
27. HotKlix.com
28. Humsurfer.com
29. Licorize
30. Microsoft TechNet
31. Newsvine
32. Blinklist
33. Balatarin
34. Oneview
35. HeyStaks
36. GiveALink.org
37. BookmarkSync
38. CiteULike
39. BlogPulse
40. Current.com
41. Blurpalicious.com
42. Wagg.it
43. Dekut.com
44 Bukmark.net
45. Rambhai.com
46. Feedmarker
47. Fark.com
48. Google Buzz
49. MyLinkVault
50. bestofindya.com

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2 thoughts on “50 Top Social Bookmarking Sites List

  1. Very nice list,

    Thanks for the list it makes the task more easier to go on all bookmarking sites & register there.Social bookmarking is now a very important factor in Search Engine Rank Position. One should never ignore it.

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