File recovery is an integral part in the modern day IT world and advances in data recovery software has resulted in the rise of multiple free software tools to ensure that data that has been accidentally deleted has a chance of being recuperated.
Deleted files are often still saved on your device (be it hard drive, Smartphone, USB drive, etc) and can still be saved by using a free data recovery program.
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard
EaseUS is a free data recovery software that features a 3 step process in recovering lost data from your PC, hard drive, SSD, laptop, USB, digital cameras or memory cards. It is especially efficient when it comes to sudden crisis situations such as sudden deletions, virus attacks, system crashes, formation or any other accident that would result in the loss or corruption of data. It has 2 types of scans, one quick scan and one deep scan, used to help retrieve the data you lost. You can even pause the data recovery process and resume at a later date. Everything is displayed in a neat, visually clear window where you can select what you want recovered after the scanning process.
It can even do partition recoveries which is a worthwhile feature to have.
Glary Undelete
Is another free recovery program that is simple to use and has one of the more counterintuitive interfaces out there. With a Windows Explorer-style interface, it will make browsing its recovery ‘’Folders’’ an easy experience when looking for the files that need to be recovered.
Besides this, it also gives information as to what are the chances that the files can be recovered. It doesn’t say exactly in a percentage but you will get a rough idea as to what the chances are.
One minor disadvantage of Glary Undeleted is that the installer comes with a toolbar installer. Of course, this can be declined and will not trouble you further.
Reports show that it is said to work on Windows 7, XP and Vista but it also was launched and used successfully on Windows 10, Windows 8 and even some older versions.
Wise Data Recovery
It’s an easy to use program that boasts having a very quick and scanning process. It is able to scan various USB devices such as memory cards and other removable devices.
The search function it comes with is really easy and, as previously stated, really fast in searching for deleted documents that you want undeleted. It also provides information as to what is the chance that a file can be recovered. Although it doesn’t show exact numbers, you will get an approximate estimate as to what are the odds of success.
It is also available for portable devices.
MiniToolPowerData Recovery
Dissimilar to other data recovery software, MiniTool has to be presently installed on the computer you want it to be used. This creates the issue that it might overwrite the deleted files that you may want recuperated and as such reduce the chance that you’ll be able to recover the desired files.
Another problem with MiniTool is that it requires to upgrade to the paid version if you want to be able to save data larger than 1 GB.
Despite these issues, it is efficient in finding the files quickly and works for USB devices besides internal drives. You can recover more than just 1 file at a time, it helps create a list of the deleted files on a TXT file and can filter by name, size, extension and date.
TOKIWA shines with its simplicity and ease of use. It has just one program window where you can control every process you need. Whether it’s scanning for the files to recover, sorting them and afterwards undeleting them, all of this is handled within a single window. Complications are not part of the design of this software. It can recover files from memory cards, hard drives, USB drives and other external devices.
It is a standalone program and does not require the use of other software and at just 412 KB of size it is completely practical to be used on small devices.
PC Inspector File Recovery
Staying true to its name, PC Inspector File Recovery has, arguably, a much deeper search process than other similar recovery programs.
PC Inspector is able to recover files from most times of devices and hard drives as well as memory cards.
It doesn’t have the most user friendly interface and the time to search can be quite tedious at times as it’s probably scanning very deep into your system for the files.
It is supported on most Operation Systems however it has been reported to be unsuccessfully used on Windows 10.
Despite the ‘’Pro’’ part in the name, this software is entirely and should not be considered an upgrade to a non-Pro version.
At first glance, an advantage it represents is the fact that you can switch from two perspectives for the files. Detailed View and Tree view as they are named can be switched alternatively depending on preference. Files can also be previewed before undeleting. This saves them to a temporary folder and you can inspect them if you wish before processing it further.
As part of the software, the Emergency Disk Image tool is designed to take a snapshot of your PC and then proceeds to placing all the data into one file and then lets you work with the file to find what exact deleted that you want restored. This is surprisingly handy as this will let you work with the image file you have created and you don’t have to worry about making any changes to your hard drive that could risk deleting previously stored files that you want recuperated.
Searching for files is also quite efficient and features a host of filters to make use of such as location, type, size and tributes
One major complaint about this software is that it doesn’t tell you the likelihood that a file can be recovered or not unlike other software so you are left to hoping it will work.
Pandora Recovery
Another great file recovery software is Pandora Recovery and is host to a very strong wizard to help recover files and is really simple to use.
It also features an advanced ‘’Surface Scan’’ option that should recover most of the standard files of more popular formats that you’d be expected to lose and wish to recover.
Pandora Recovery is able to undelete files from all internal drives, memory cards and various devices. Almost everything that can store files and can be connected to your PC will be able to benefit from this data recovery software. This does limit its portability however.
SoftPerfect File Recovery
This is another really strong software for recovering deleted data. Very easy to navigate and search files with and it doesn’t have a complicated layout.
Apart from CD/DVD drive, any device that stores data on a PC should be supported by this program and it should be able to handle most recovery tasks that you need.
It is small, only around 500 KB and its completely standalone which helps with portability. It works efficiently from a USB driver or even a floppy disk.
Restoration has arguably one of the simplest design out there and as such, you will not find any cryptic buttons nor will you be forced to use some complicated recovery procedure that has you looking up tutorials on the internet. Everything you need is displayed on a single and simple to understand window.
Thanks to its simplicity, it is of small size and does not require any installation, giving it massive portability potential should you choose to use this software.
CD Recovery Toolbox
Perhaps a more unique recovery software when compared to the others but nonetheless a very essential one. CD Recovery Toolbox is designed in order to recover data from corrupted or damaged optical discs – DVD, CD, Blu-Ray, HD DVD and so on.
As mentioned by the publisher, CD Recovery Toolbox is able to recover data from discs that have been physical damaged by way of scratching, chipping and also various types of spots on the surface of the disks.
This is specifically designed to recover from optical disks so it should not be used when trying to recover from hard drives or other portable drives and should not be considered as a negative point.
It supports Windows 10, 8, but is also compatible with order versions as well.
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nice post but please give me download link