Top 10 SEO Marketing Tips for Your Facebook Business Page

Facebook like other social media services provides immense opportunity to market your business. Your business, let it be small website, a blog or a major product brand, can take advantage of social media branding. Facebook provides an excellent platform to brand your business and your online presence. Facebook provides Facebook Page and can be utilized to start your presence on Facebook. Recently the other social media giant Google+ also started offering Google+ pages to grow your audience.
But just creating a page in Facebook is not enough. You need to optimize your Facebook Page not only for your followers but more importantly for the search engine bots. Here in this article let us discuss the most important tips to optimize your Facebook page to attract more visitors and thereby more business.globinch_facebook_ page

Important SEO Marketing Tips for Your Facebook Business Page

Create a custom welcome page

You can create custom welcome page in your Facebook page. Once you have created a good welcome page make sure that you set it as your landing page. You can set your welcome page as landing page by changing it in the “Manage Permissions” settings.
Read: Best Free Tools To Create Facebook Landing Pages And Fan Page

Encourage visitors to click “Like” button

In your welcome page you can add the Facebook Like button, so that you can convert your page visitors into your followers.

Let the welcome page reflects your business

Your Facebook welcome page should provide enough information about your business. You can use images or some write-ups to do this. But please make sure that your page is not clumsy.

Use your brand name to create the custom URL

Facebook allows you to create a vanity URL or a custom URL for your page. For example you can create URL. The Facebook page of Globinch has the structure Make sure you grab your brand URL before someone else claims

Add Photo Strip to your Facebook page

You get 5 photos in your Facebook photo strip. Utilize this photo strip in a professional, artistic and creative way to express your business idea. This photo strip can yield wonders if used in an effective way. All that depends on your imagination and creativity…

Publish news to your Facebook page

You can set-up auto publishing of your blog posts to Facebook page. For example if you maintain a blog or website then you can publish the latest updates on your Facebook page. There are many services and tools available to achieve this.

Add custom tabs to your Facebook page

You can add many tabs to your page. Multiple tabs can be used to provide information to your visitors. Facebook tabs load content from external sources. You can use these tabs to display awards, promotions etc.

Interact with your followers

This is really important. Interact with your followers. Offer giveaways and run Facebook contests. All these activities will get you more and more followers.

Create links to your Facebook page

This is extremely important. You need to create links to your Facebook page. You can add links to your page in your Website and other online profiles. Facebook provides many different social gadgets for your website.

Include Facebook page link in your email signature

To promote your page you can add your Facebook page link in your email signature. This will again provide more exposure to your Facebook page.

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