
Best 10 interesting tips and tricks on Facebook

Okay, there is really no need to describe what Facebook is – it’s so ubiquitous that it’s improbable you don’t know what it is about. So here is a brief list, as we dive right into the point, to show you Facebook tips and tricks that will make your Facebook experience easier.

  1. How to Unfriend someone without making it obvious: Go to the Subscribe button on your friend’s account. See which choices are checked, like Music and Videos etc, and notice that an option says how many updates you want to see. If you click on Most Important, you can avoid all the nonsense updates.
  2. Keep Facebook Comments private: Click the story you want to share and have a comment to make on. Use the time stamp on the left to post the story to your own wall, and then you can select which people view your wall, and ensure only they can see your comments. You do know how to control which people see your wall, don’t you?
  3.  Put Facebook toolbar on the browser: Although it works only on Mozilla, it is so cool it is worth a mention. Just click on Mozilla toolbar to see what you can add as one, and check on Facebook. You can install the plug-in easily and this is something we hope to see on other browsers.Increasing-Facebook-fans
  4.  Flip your Facebook status upside down: This is a fun way to get some attention on Facebook and have your friends asking you how you did it. Go to and flip a status. Share this secret carefully!
  5.  Upload Picasa directly to Facebook: If you love Google and have been using Picasa then this is great for you since you can easily upload Picasa pictures directly onto Facebook albums by installing the Picasa plug-in and adding the Facebook button to Picasa.
  6.   Facebook chat tricks: Appear on chat only to selected people: Great for avoiding people you don’t want to talk to, create a list on your chat option by going to Friends List under chat. Create a list and make a list of people you don’t want to chat to.
  7.  Poke friends automatically: Poking is such a social etiquette now that it can become hard and tedious to poke everyone who has poked you. Auto Poke is an add-on that can let you poke people automatically when they’ve poked you.

  8.  Know which friend has blocked you: Although Facebook has deleted this; you can go to to see if you have been blocked. Use at own risk!
  9.  Update Facebook status without being on Facebook: is one of the many places you can update your Facebook status from even though you are not online. Great for use when the Facebook app just refuses to load on your phone!
  10.  Use Microsoft Outlook to access Facebook: A great tool to sync it all, and use Facebook at work, download the Facebook for Microsoft Outlook plug-in and check out what your friends are up to.
This is a guest post by Mark Dwayne of, a site that offers savings and current information on Time Warner Cable NC.
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